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Click on this link and follow the prompts to join.
Members renew their membership by logging into their profile. Once signed in, they will navigate to the Manage Profile page. If they are within the renewal period, a link will appear stating “*** Renew Your Membership Now ***” and they will begin the renewal process. If the member is suspended and expired, when they try to log into their profile they will receive the following message, “Your membership has expired! Please submit dues payment immediately to ensure uninterrupted membership.” They will select the link, “Securely renew your membership now.” This will begin the renewal process. 
If you wish to cancel or no longer want a ISID membership, please contact for assistance.
Access your membership profile. At the top right, click on the “Welcome ____" and the dropdown will display. Click on “Account + Settings”. Account information will be displayed. To change your password, click on (CHANGE) next to Email. A new window will be displayed, and you will be prompted to enter your current password twice to verify. Click on the SUBMIT button to finalize the change.
Access your membership profile. At the top right, click on the “Welcome _____" and the dropdown will display. Click on “Account + Settings”. Account information will be displayed. To change your password, click on (CHANGE) next to Password. A new window will be displayed and you will be prompted to enter your current password and to enter your new password twice to verify. Click on the SUBMIT button to finalize the change.
If you wish to gift a membership, please contact for assistance.
Log into your membership account. After logging in, you will see your membership dashboard. Click on "My Profile." Where the profile icon square is on the left side of the page, click edit. From there, you will be able to upload a file of your photo. The recommended size for a photo is 150x150 pixels.                          
If you wish to renew into a different membership type, please contact for assistance.                         
Memberships last for one year before expiring and prompted for renewal.